06 February 2011

melangsaikan hutang tertangguh !

1. who among your friend who know the real you?
: i think madi . zie . akim . kiet
2. when was the last time you went out?
: last weekends with my loving family.
3. if you could kiss anyone, who could it be?
:  ummm .
4. what song are u listening to?
: harga diriku . wali band .
5. who does it reminds you off?
: nothing .
6. last movie you watch?
: ummm .
7. which of your friend live close to you?
: madhiah shahirah .
8. what is your favourite shirt?
: ummm .
9. do u drive?
: yep , otw na dpt lesen .
10. what did u do yesterday?
: sleepy , eat , unline .
11. do u wear contact or glasses?
: nope . my eyes great . haha .
12. do u trust your friends?
: some of them mybe .
13. who was the last person called u?
: madhiah .
14. what/who annoys u?
: ummm .
15. do u want multiple piercing?
: nope !
16. your favorite song in your list?
: sedetik lebih . anuar zain
17. last time u went to mall?
: last weekends .
18. what was the last thing u ate?
: mee goreng for minum petang .
19. which of your friends would make best roommate?
: ummm .
20. last thing u bought?
: ncet . hee
21. last vacation u were in?
: kuala lumpur . selangor
22. do people ever spell your name wrong?
: nope !
23. who was the last friend u hug?
: OMG !
24. which celeb are u eye candying?
: ummm .
25. which band concert would u like to watch?
: beast . super junior .
26. what color are your nail?
: ta main lol .
27. date down a special day for you?
: bufday kot !
28. in just one word describe yourself?
: bolok . friendly .

. ak dipaksa oleh FARRA SUHANNIS . so jangan banyak songeh lau terdapat persamaan . :D .

:: p/s : make me hepy !


  1. jwpn byk umm je...confirm otak lembap!hahaha..and pls jangan tiru aku!ps bgai!tu trademark aku okayyy!hhahaha
